Welcome to Encounter Discipleship! The next eight weeks will be an exciting adventure where you will encounter the power, presence, and love of the living God. He desires a personal relationship with each of His children, and that is what this spiritual formation class is designed to facilitate.
In the Gospel of John Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” Learning to recognize the voice of the Lord is the first step to developing a relationship with Him. Maybe you have never heard His voice before. You will. Possibly you know His voice quite well. We believe this class will help to expand the ways you recognize Him speaking.
In addition to listening, two powerful keys to developing intimacy with the Lord are prayer and worship. Both will be explored. Prayer can be much more than a one-way message sent into the heavens. It is meant to be an interactive two-way conversation with your Father—an exchange that can happen all day long. Worship, too, is much more than singing to God on Sunday. It is also a personal act where you can experience the manifest presence of the Almighty God.
Healing the sick and words of knowledge are also an exciting part of the Christian experience. True biblical discipleship is doing what Jesus did. Jesus says, “He who believes in Me and the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.” In Jesus’ commissioning accounts he instructed his disciples to heal the sick. That is still our commission for today. You will learn and practice a simple model to help build confidence in healing the sick.
Moreover, Paul instructs us to be eager for the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy. Later he says, “For you can all prophesy, one after another, so all can learn and be encouraged.” You will learn how to receive and give words of knowledge, and experience some aspect of the prophetic. This gift is available for all believers for the purpose of strengthening, encouraging, and comforting others.
It is our prayer and belief that during these next eight weeks you will get to know and experience God in a real and supernatural way.


Student Manual
210 Pages
(including homework reading)

Class Format
Practical Exercises
Group Ministry

Practical Exercies
Week 1:
Biblical Discipleship
Week One sets the context and biblical foundation for the class. This is followed by a time of ministry.
Week 2:
Hearing the Voice of the Lord (Journaling)
This week explores six ways that help discern the voice of the Lord. The lesson is followed by a practice session.
Week 3:
Hearing the Voice of the Lord
(Listening, Looking, Waiting)
This week explores six common ways the Lord speaks: Scripture, the ‘still small voice’, audible (natural & spiritual), other people, dreams, visions, & circumstances. After the lesson is a time of practice.
Week 4:
Encountering God Through Prayer
This lesson explores four ways to encounter God through prayer: prayer of faith, prayer of intercession, prayer in the secret place, and unceasing prayer. Two forms of prayer are practiced in small groups.
Week 5:
Encountering God Through Worship
This lesson lays out a biblical basis for praise & worship. Then it explores the concept of encountering God’s presence through worship–including transformation, revelation, and manifestation.
Week 6:
Words of Knowledge / Prophecy
This lesson biblically explores words of knowledge. It teaches how to receive and give a word. Some keys to ministering in this gift are discussed. After the lesson a time of small group practice ensues.
Week 7:
Healing the Sick
The lesson begins by setting a biblical foundation for divine healing. Then a four-step prayer model is taught and practiced.
Week 8:
Making Disciples
A Call to Destiny
The final week’s teaching is on our biblical commission to go and make disciples. This week has an extended time of ministry and impartation.
Program Details

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